
can I change version code from apk?

2014年4月12日 — Download the apk (Under release management on google play console and go to Artifact Library); Decompile the apk; Update the versioncode in ...

How do you change the SDK of an APK?

2022年5月29日 — You would need to recompile the apk with the SDK version needed for it to run on lower versions of Android as system calls and features are ...

How to change an app version?

2023年4月20日 — Technically, yes. It should just be a matter of unpacking the apk, edit the manifest.xml, recompile the apk with a keystore (you'll have ...

How to change Android version and code version number?

2014年3月8日 — Choose 'Modules' in the left panel. · Choose 'app' in middle panel. · Choose 'Default Config' tab in the right panel. · Scroll down to see and edit ...

How to change the version number on an existing APK ...

This technique is useful if you want to 'roll back' an Android app.

How to modify a compiled Android application (.apk file)

2014年5月21日 — 1. Change the resource in the .apk. Open the .apk file with WinRAR (if that doesn't work, rename the file extension . · 2. Sign the .apk. Android ...

Version your app

2023年4月12日 — Users need to have specific information about the app version that is installed on their devices and the upgrade versions available for ...


2014年4月12日—Downloadtheapk(UnderreleasemanagementongoogleplayconsoleandgotoArtifactLibrary);Decompiletheapk;Updatetheversioncodein ...,2022年5月29日—YouwouldneedtorecompiletheapkwiththeSDKversionneededforittorunonlowerversionsofAndroidassystemcallsandfeaturesare ...,2023年4月20日—Technically,yes.Itshouldjustbeamatterofunpackingtheapk,editthemanifest.xml,recompiletheapkwithakeystore(you'llhav...
